Pardess Farms is a farm in progress focused on developing ancient & modern techniques of farming, cooking, processing & good living.
What does a farm in progress mean?
It means we have been testing out methods of cultivation from all ends of the spectrum with all types of plants, weather conditions, soil compositions & farming techniques to determine the best way to have the healthiest produce without breaking our full circle principles.We are now in transition to start producing on our land in the 2022 season and have a big bank of rare off market seeds, produce and varietals to present to all our fellow Pardess'ers.
What does this mean in short?
We began by selling the freshest produce door to door out of our truck to establish our loyal & beloved clientele, before getting stuck with a whole bunch of outstanding produce from our future farm, that we might have had to offload to wholesalers that absolutely do not respect the work and integrity behind each pound of our potential produce, at below cost price..
Fast forward to today, we have the most incredible clientele all geared towards knowledge and appreciation of quality produce from across the world now including our line of exotic fruits from Colombian farms heavily dedicated to sustainability of not only the farms & surrounding communities but also the economical impact on the country. We receive our Colombian selection of exotic fruits by air overnight, single handedly pick them up at the airport and to your door sometimes the same day they land!
We also love to engage with you all as you may already know by being part of our extended Pardess family! We always take weird fruit requests and love to hunt down your childhood flavours from back home in the tropics.
We are also dedicated to giving you the best service possible and always here to answer any and all questions you may have regarding our service. For any inquiries please contact us via email or direct message on any of our platforms.
In hopes to make you smile while discovering a new flavor of fruit & another tropical wonder, we invite you to visit all our catalogs to see what we offer above and beyond produce!
Be sure to follow us on instagram, Youtube & all social platforms @pardessfarms to keep up to date with new arrivals & fruit reviews and info!
Much love for making it all the way down this page & we hope to add some flavor to your days!